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DynamIP Forum

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Table of Contents


News newspin.gif (26402 Byte)
Inventive Users

What is DynamIP?
What is DIPS?
How does it work?
Sample Templates


Setup Examples
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Trouble Shooting
User Manual
Advanced Users

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NT Service

Meeting Places
Discussion Group
Mailing List

The Tribe
Year 2000 / Y2K




DynamIP is Freeware and the only support you can get from me is e-mail support. Before you send me e-mail, however, please

  1. verify that your system satisfies all the Requirements to run DynamIP
  2. get the latest version of DynamIP (you can always find the latest version at http://www.bigfoot.com/~DynamIP/)
  3. verify that your problem is not listed under Unresolved Problems
  4. run RegClean (Freeware from Microsoft) to clean up your registry
  5. work through the Trouble Shooting section
  6. check out the DynamIP Discussion Group

If you then come to the conclusion that you still can't solve the problem on your own I'll be happy to get involved if you drop me a friendly line (yes, a friendly tone is very much appreciated - don't forget that I'm doing all this stuff in my spare time without charging you a dime...). Please include the following information in your e-mail:

type and version of your OS (e.g. Win95, WinNT, Service Packs installed, etc.)
DynamIP version (please make sure that you've got the latest DynamIP version; I really don't have time to offer support for old versions - the latest version is always available at http://www.bigfoot.com/~DynamIP/)
attach the file DynamIP.LOG whenever it makes sense (quite often you can actually fix most problems on your own by checking out this log file - you can activate logging in Setup|Options)
a detailed description of the problem so that I can (hopefully) reproduce it if necessary

Help file
Help is also available in form of HTML pages, either online at http://www.bigfoot.com/~DynamIP/ or directly on your own computer: the file help.EXE should have been copied to the DynamIP installation directory (it's a self-expanding ZIP file that is included in the full installation version of DynamIP). The first time you use help from within DynamIP you will be asked whether you want to unzip the help file (you can obviously also just unzip it manually and then browse the pages). The help file contains basically the complete DynamIP web site so that you can read these pages without being online all the time.

Last modified: March 30, 1999
OFFLINE visitors since May 1, 1998

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